
Created in 2015 through the merger of University Montpellier 1 and University Montpellier 2, the University of Montpellier (UM) draws from the excellence and synergy of these two institutions. The University of Montpellier brings together an extensive community of knowledge, from science, technology, medicine and environmental sciences, to educational sciences, economics, management, law and political science.
Following its audition in 2017 by an international jury, the Montpellier UniverSity of Excellence project (MUSE) received the Initiative – Science – Innovation – Territories – Economy (I-SITE) certification by the French Government. Based on significant scientific concentration in the Montpellier area in the fields of Agriculture, Environment and Health, and on its international recognition (attested for instance by UM being 1st in Ecology in the 2018 Shanghai world ranking, and 1st most innovative French university by Reuters 2018), MUSE brings together a scientific, institutional and economic community to address three major intertwined challenges that are consistent with the U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change: Feed, Protect, Care. It is thus involved in a strategic global initiative aiming at making Montpellier one of the European capitals for Health, Environment and Agriculture. The MUSE project gathers around University of Montpellier a consortium of 10 research organizations (BRGM, CEA, Cirad, CNRS, Ifremer, Inra, Inria, Inserm, IRD, Irstea), 4 schools of higher education (ENSAM, ENSCM, EMA, SupAgro), 3 hospitals (CHU Montpellier, CHU Nîmes, Institut de Cancérologie de Montpellier) and 1 international organization (CIHEAM-IAMM). Rich with its 6,000 scientists and 50,000 students, the MUSE project is strongly and actively supported by the Occitanie Region and Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole. Over 150 private partners supported MUSE in this competition for certification and committed to further investment and partnerships between the university and the business world: SMEs, large groups (including special partnerships with Banque Populaire du Sud, BRL, Horiba, Invivo, and MSD), and competitiveness clusters (Derbi, Aqua Valley, Eurobiomed, Mer, Optitec, Qualiméditerranée, and Trimatec). These partners seek to build joint world-class laboratories, place research teams on-campus, co-develop curricula to meet tomorrow’s challenges, co-build European projects, and much more.
Visit WebsiteFollowing its audition in 2017 by an international jury, the Montpellier UniverSity of Excellence project (MUSE) received the Initiative – Science – Innovation – Territories – Economy (I-SITE) certification by the French Government. Based on significant scientific concentration in the Montpellier area in the fields of Agriculture, Environment and Health, and on its international recognition (attested for instance by UM being 1st in Ecology in the 2018 Shanghai world ranking, and 1st most innovative French university by Reuters 2018), MUSE brings together a scientific, institutional and economic community to address three major intertwined challenges that are consistent with the U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change: Feed, Protect, Care. It is thus involved in a strategic global initiative aiming at making Montpellier one of the European capitals for Health, Environment and Agriculture. The MUSE project gathers around University of Montpellier a consortium of 10 research organizations (BRGM, CEA, Cirad, CNRS, Ifremer, Inra, Inria, Inserm, IRD, Irstea), 4 schools of higher education (ENSAM, ENSCM, EMA, SupAgro), 3 hospitals (CHU Montpellier, CHU Nîmes, Institut de Cancérologie de Montpellier) and 1 international organization (CIHEAM-IAMM). Rich with its 6,000 scientists and 50,000 students, the MUSE project is strongly and actively supported by the Occitanie Region and Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole. Over 150 private partners supported MUSE in this competition for certification and committed to further investment and partnerships between the university and the business world: SMEs, large groups (including special partnerships with Banque Populaire du Sud, BRL, Horiba, Invivo, and MSD), and competitiveness clusters (Derbi, Aqua Valley, Eurobiomed, Mer, Optitec, Qualiméditerranée, and Trimatec). These partners seek to build joint world-class laboratories, place research teams on-campus, co-develop curricula to meet tomorrow’s challenges, co-build European projects, and much more.

Porto Business School [Associação Porto Business School (PBS – U. Porto)] is a private, non-profit institution that benefits from administrative and financial autonomy within the University of Porto. Its unique DNA derives from the basis of its foundation and its 30-year history. Porto Business School was imagined and founded by the University of Porto and a group of companies as an executive business school to train management professionals, middle management and C-suite executives. The School has a very flexible and unique governance model: a General Assembly gathers all “shareholders”; a Supervisory Board that is composed by 50% of members from the associated companies and by 50% of members from the University of Porto; an Executive Board that reports to the Supervisory Board; and an Academic Council that is 100% composed by professors of the University of Porto. Porto Business School is, therefore, the business school of the University of Porto. It has the mission to address the post-graduate advanced training in management, activities which are complemented by a permanent intervention within the domains of applied research and the rendering of services to companies.
Porto Business School has a special high-level intelligence unit, the Center for Business Innovation, which focuses directly on the production of business intelligence, on entrepreneurship and open innovation initiatives and projects, and on new and innovative executive education programs. The Center for Business Innovation at Porto Business School has direct affiliations with the Garwood Center for Business Innovation at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, with the Berkeley Innovation Forum and with IdeaSquare at CERN.
Visit WebsitePorto Business School has a special high-level intelligence unit, the Center for Business Innovation, which focuses directly on the production of business intelligence, on entrepreneurship and open innovation initiatives and projects, and on new and innovative executive education programs. The Center for Business Innovation at Porto Business School has direct affiliations with the Garwood Center for Business Innovation at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, with the Berkeley Innovation Forum and with IdeaSquare at CERN.