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Zebra and Quagga mussels in the Great Lakes: what have we learned in 35 years of invasion

March 07th, 2025
Alexander Karatayev, Great Lakes Center, SUNY Buffalo State University | 15h30 | BIOPOLIS-CIBIO, Campus de Vairão


We summarized over 30 years of research on zebra and quagga mussels in the Laurentian Great Lakes and compared with data from European and North American inland lakes. Invasion dynamics, growth, and reproduction of dreissenids in the Great Lakes are governed by lake morphometry. At < 30 m mussels overshot their carrying capacity and declined within 13–15 years after first detection, while at > 90 m populations continue to increase much longer. After the proliferation of quagga mussels, benthic biomass increased about two orders of magnitude and currently exceeds zooplankton biomass > 40-fold. Strong benthic pelagic coupling redirects food and energy from the water column to the bottom causing an increase in Secchi depth, decline in phosphorus, chlorophyll phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass. The abundance of commercially important fishes declined as a result of the dramatic decrease in their main food deep water amphipods Diporeia, which has been outcompeted by exotic mussels. However, the introduction of round goby into the Great Lakes in the 1990s provided an important link between dreissenids and commercially and recreationally valuable fish species, increasing their productivity

Dr. Alexander (Sasha) Karatayev is a Director of the Great Lake Center and a Professor of Biology at Buffalo State University (NY). He received his undergraduate, Ph.D., and Doctor of Science degrees in Aquatic Biology from Belarusian State University. His research interests include ecology, biology, patterns of spread of exotic species and their role in aquatic ecosystems, and biodiversity, conservation and management of freshwater ecosystems. He has published 170 papers and made over 170 presentations at scientific meetings. His research has been funded by numerous federal and state agencies including US EPA, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and US National Geographic Society. 

[Host: Manuel Lopes Lima, FRESHwater COnservation, Diversity and Evolution - FRESHCODE]

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