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Introduction to entomology

March 17th, 2025
BIOPOLIS-CIBIO, Vairão, Portugal (Face-to-face)

The course will focus and several aspects of entomology with the objective of familiarise the trainees with taxonomy, identification using morphology and molecular methods, distinct methods of sampling and monitoring, sample processing and storage and data analysis.

Day one: Theoretical background; diversity of invertebrates; ecological and economical roles of invertebrates; Conservation
Day two: Identification - distinct methods used with special focus on morphology and DNA barcoding 
Day three: Museum collections and their role (excursion to MHNC-UP in collaboration with Dr. José Manuel Grosso-Silva). 
Day four: Sampling and monitoring methodologies (practical exercise in the field)
Day five: Sample processing: from field to collections in practice

5 days - 27h (Friday only in the morning) - Schedule: 09:30 - 12:30 & 14:00 - 17:00


The course will be open to a maximum number of 15 participants. 
75% of available student slots are reserved for BIODIV students.
 Priority will be given to:
• 1st year and other PhD students attending the BIODIV Doctoral Program;
• PhD students attending other courses;
• Other post-graduate students and researchers.
(A minimum number of participants is required for the course to take place)

New deadline application: 10/03/2025
To apply fill the FORM
A copy of the form will be sent to the email address you provide as proof that you have successfully submitted your application. Results will be emailed to you within 8 working days of the application deadline.

95€ (students) | 200€ (other participants).
BIOPOLIS/ CIBIO members will have an additional discount of 20%. Participation is free of charge for BIODIV Students (M BGE & PhD) & CIBIO's TwinLabs 
(If applicable, payment will be made to Associação BIOPOLIS - VAT No. 516033727. Information on the payment amount and the payment deadline will be sent together with the results notification, and a proforma invoice may be issued in due time).

Registration fees do not include accommodation or meals. 
No ECTS credits are awarded for attending the course. Participants receive a certificate of attendance without quantitative evaluation.

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