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Ethical Dimensions of Invasive Species Management

June 11th, 2024
15h00 | Hybrid Seminar


15h00 | Introduction 

Luís Reino is an ecologist nd assistant researcher at BIOPOLIS/CIBIO, working in different topics of ecology but with an emphasis in ornithology and Invasion Science.  

15h15 | Talk 1: Dealing with aliens in the Anthropocene the trilemma of exotic species management
Pedro Bingre | Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra & Luís Reino | BIOPOLIS-CIBIO

Pedro Bingre is professor and researcher at the Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra. He has devoted much of this work to Land Use Planning and policies, mostly having to do with forestry plans, property rights and regulation of nature conservation in loco. In this talk Pedro will present some reflections shared with L. Reino about the premises upon which decisions are made when managing landscapes. Should exotic species be introduced in areas where climate change is causing an irreversible decline in native species populations?

15h45 | Talk 2: Biodiversity Conservation and Mus musculus: a consistency problem
Yasha Rohwer | Oregon Institute of Technology, Clare Palmer | Texas A&M University & Jeremy Searle | Cornell University

Yasha Rohwer is a professor of philosophy at the Oregon Institute of Technology. He specializes in environmental ethics and philosophy of science. He primarily works on the foundational values of conservation biology. He will be presenting a co-authored paper arguing that certain non-native species populations have conservation value because they are instances of biodiversity.

16h15 | TALK 3: The ethics of managing introduced species in a changing world
Emma Marris | Independent writer
Emma Marris is an environmental writer and author. She has written for many magazines and newspapers, including National Geographic, Wired, the New York Times, Nature and the Atlantic. She has a master’s in science writing from Johns Hopkins University. In 2021, she published her second book, Wild Souls: Freedom and Flourishing in the Non-Human World.

[Hosts: Luís Reino,  Global Ecological Challenges under Socio-Environmental Change - GlobalECO | Joana Vicente, Invasion Science - InvasionS]
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