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BIOPOLIS Inaugurates New Headquarters, Marking a Major Milestone for Biodiversity and Sustainability Research


BIOPOLIS officially inaugurated its new headquarters today, consolidating its position as a center of excellence in biodiversity, environmental biology, and sustainability research. Led by CIBIO – the Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources at the University of Porto – the BIOPOLIS project is recognized as a national and international benchmark for science that connects nature, knowledge, and society.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister, Dr. Luís Montenegro, the Minister of Education, Science and Innovation, Prof. Fernando Alexandre, and the Minister of Environment and Energy, Prof. Maria da Graça Carvalho. Their presence highlighted the strategic importance of BIOPOLIS to Portugal’s vision for a sustainable, science-driven future.

The program included the unveiling of the commemorative plaque, a guided tour of the new facilities, the screening of an institutional video and speeches by the Rector of the University of Porto, António Sousa Pereira, the President of the Kissama Foundation, Angola, Vladimito Russo, the President of Biopolis, Nuno Ferrand de Almeida, and the Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro. The event also included the formal signing of cooperation agreements with national and international institutions, reflecting BIOPOLIS’s commitment to global scientific collaboration.

BIOPOLIS is driven by the ambition to transform CIBIO into a world-class international research hub capable of addressing critical global challenges such as biodiversity loss, climate change, and sustainable development. The project integrates a strong focus on innovation and knowledge transfer, aiming to build bridges between scientific research, the business sector, and civil society.

Strategic partnerships with institutions such as the University of Montpellier and Porto Business School (PBS) further strengthen BIOPOLIS’s mission to connect fundamental science with advanced training and real-world applications.

With the opening of its new headquarters, BIOPOLIS reinforces its role as a key research infrastructure in Portugal and Europe, focused on science with tangible environmental, social, and economic impact.

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