ASPC2023 | Atlantic Project Award Winner
The SeaThings project, co-led by CIBIO Açores in the person of Prof. Ana Costa and in which CIBIO researchers Andrea Botelho and Manuela Parente also participated, was awarded the Atlantic Project Award in the category of blue skills development and ocean literacy.

This project funded by PO-Açores 2019-2023 includes the Re-Mar repository as an integral part, and its main objective is to be used by teachers, trainers and educators to introduce the theme of the sea in their teaching activities.
The award ceremony took place during the 10th conference of the Atlantic Stakeholder Platform, which took place in Porto on 18 and 19 October.
This project, funded by the PO2020 programme, had already been distinguished by the 'Europe in My Region' programme and gave produced the digital book 'Show me the sea!', which has already been translated into three languages and was the winner of the 2022 Prize of Casa das Ciências, and is currently included in the list of the National Reading Plan.
The success of this project resulted from the work of a comprehensive team, which involved science dissemination centers and research centers based at the University of the Azores, including the Research Center Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, Science and Engineering (IS2E), the Center for Research and Development in e-Health (NIDEeS), the Center for Research in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources – Azores (CIBIO-Açores) and the Interdisciplinary Center for Children and Adolescents (NICA). It also counted with a broad team of consultants, including some from Portuguese-speaking countries.